
QAnon Fun and The Great Awakening

Truth and Justice for All! #WWG1WGA #WWG1WGAWW #LetsGoBrandon #UltraMAGA

Aloha from Kaneohe Hawaii!  I’m sitting on the back patio at Patty’s mom’s house in my shorts with no shirt, watching the rain pour down.  It’s kind of cold for here – probably around 72 (weather on iPhone says 73 – so that was a pretty good guess).  I was sent here for work, which rented me a cheap room in Waikiki, but when invited to stay here, the choice was simple.

I’ve been meaning to start writing again, but just haven’t got myself to do it up until now.  I worked a Vitamix show at Costco in Waipahu for 17 days that ended the day before Memorial Day.  It was definitely tough working before open to close for 17 straight days and sales were not close to what I was hoping for.

I have a few days off before starting a short 4 day inline show at the Costco in Hawaii Kai on Thursday.

It’s been great to be able to spend time with my friends Ray and Patty.  As always, they show me an uncalled for and unfathomed amount of love and Aloha.  I am greatly humbled and at times have a difficult time understanding their kindness.

I’ve been to Hawaii many, many times in the past – but just on this trip am starting to ‘get’ the real meaning of Aloha.  Learning, feeling and living Aloha really has me wanting to move here more than ever.

Been writing and thinking way too much of myself – my beautiful wife Stacia is pregnant!  Our baby girl Ava Kalea Kennedy is due to arrive in September – and I am super excited!  I know Stacia is too!  It has been difficult to be away from them – and Makaya too!

Life is not without it’s hardships – and one of the hardest things that I have ever experienced is being away from and not being able to talk to Jacqueline, who is now going by the name Nataliya.  Not sure if she realizes it, but I actually gave her that part of her middle name in honor of the Nataliya who introduced Jackie’s mom and I.

Yesterday we visited Ray and Patty’s friends Mark and Michelle who were stay-cationing at Koolina resort with their daughter Mia and Michelle’s parents.  They are super nice people and Mia is 12 just like Nataliya.  I could not help but think that they could be great friends.  If only ….

I know Makaya doesn’t want to move here, but it would be really cool if we could.  It looks like I may have a chance to work more shows here with Vitamix (but I really need to do better with sales to make it work).  I’m also looking for other opportunities here on the island (and in San Diego) as well, so my options are open at this point.  I’m feeling very drawn to starting some kind of business – but at this point, I just don’t know which direction to go.  I guess the universe will point me in the right direction when the time is right ….  until then, I will just try to keep writing.

Not sure if anyone reads this stuff, but if you do, please leave me a comment and let me know where you are in the world and your life journey – and if there is any way I can be of assistance.


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