
QAnon Fun and The Great Awakening

Truth and Justice for All! #WWG1WGA #WWG1WGAWW #LetsGoBrandon #UltraMAGA

ShakeologyToday is the day that I get fully onboard with helping Stacia build her BeachBody Coaching business!
Just yesterday, I was finally released to full activity by the surgeon who did my hernia surgery a couple of months ago and I am super excited to get back into optimal shape.
Today I will start logging everything that I consume right here on this blog.
4:20 AM – Shakeology with water.  My daily dose of dense nutrition.
7 AM – Protein Bar, 16 oz h2o
10:45 AM – Preworkout drink
11-12:30 – Workout (Beast Arms) with extra jumprope and cardio.  64 oz H2O
Lunch December 16, 20161:15 PM – Lunch – Green Drink, Lean Grilled Hamburger, chopped tomato
1:45 PM Shower and Sex with my beautiful wife
2:30 – 5pm Nap
5pm – 4 eggs fried in avocado oil, 1 piece of wheat toast, 1 hb egg, 2 tbs almond butter, 8 tbs low fat cottage cheese, 2 scoops of protein powder with milk
9pm – Protein Bar, 32 oz H2O

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