Academy Award winning actor Tom Hanks is known worldwide as first an American icon (having been Forrest Gump and on SNL) and now as an accused pedophile. Tom Hanks does appear on the list of people reportedly were on the flight lists for the late Jeffrey Epstein’s ‘Lolita Express’ to his private island of Little St. James, aka Orgy Island or more commonly known as Pedo Island.

Tom Hanks and his wife Rita Wilson were perhaps the first famous people who were reported to be diagnosed with what was called the Corona Novel Virus at the time, currently more widely known as Covid-19. Their diagnosis and resulting isolation came to be in Queensland, Australia on March 11, 2020.

Mostly because of a string of strange coincidences and past accusations, there is a conspiracy theory that the Covid-19 Global Pandemic is actually a Plandemic, to be used to provide cover for a global multi-governmental operation to take down human and drug traffickers, pedophiles and other criminals around the world. There is a thought that many of the criminals are under secret indictments and have been using compromised politicians, entertainers and main stream media personalities and outlets to allow them to stay in the shadows and away from facing the music for their crimes.
A good portion of these ‘conspiracy theorists’ are followers of Q or QAnon and call themselves Patriots or simply Anons. We realize that many of our elected officials and most MSM (mainstream media) – collectively, The Swamp, have been misleading, misguiding and purposefully lying to us for many, many years. We genuinely want to see truth and justice and a better world.

Some people fully think that Tom Hanks was arrested for his pedophilia and other crimes under cover of the Corona virus, tried in a secret military tribunal and has already been executed. To many, that may seem far fetched, but is Tom Hanks still alive? Or is Tom Hanks still in jail awaiting trial? Or has Tom Hanks and other evil monsters already been executed?

Many conspiracy theorists believe that many of the famous people who have supposedly died from Covid-19 have actually been arrested for crimes against humanity instead. Some of those people may have already been tried and convicted, and possibly even executed. But there is a better chance that they are either in jail or on house arrest awaiting trial. It is widely rumored that both Oprah Winfrey and Ellen Degeneres are both on house arrest and wearing ankle home monitoring devices.
IF MSM is right and Tom Hanks is still alive and well – where is he? He’s supposed to be running a “when we all vote” (vote by mail scam) campaign with Mike Obama, but it seems that nobody has seen him recently … Where is Tom Hanks? Is Tom Hanks still alive?
If Tom Hanks is still alive, he better find God, Run Forrest Run! (and get a good lawyer). There is a special place in hell for pedophiles!
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