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Iron Mountain DUMBS Deep Underground Military Base QAnon.fun

List of US DUMBS – Deep Underground Military Bases in the USA

Although to many, DUMBS or Deep Underground Military Bases are just another crazy conspiracy theory, to others they are very real. Here is a list of DUMBS or Deep Underground Military Bases in the USA from a post at Blessed2Teach.com:

Cheyenne Mountain DUMBS Deep Underground Military Base Colorado Springs QAnon.fun

LIST OF KNOWN DUMBS in the USA (note that this is a very partial list that I may or may not choose to continue to research and add to). If you happen to have additional information or a link to a better list, please comment below or use the Contact QAnon.fun page.

Underground Bases listed by State


  1. Brooks Range.
  2. & 3. Delta Junction & Ft. Greeley:  In the same Delta Junction area.


  1. Fort Huachuca–31° 50′ N., 110° 119.48” W.:  Intelligence training, mind-control, genetics & detention camp.
  2. Luke Air Force Base.
  3. Gates Pass Base.
  4. Gila Mountain Area–South of Interstate 8 approx. 30 miles east of Yuma, AZ. 29° N., 116º W.
  5. Grand Wash Cliffs–Western edge of the cliffs at the head of Grapevine Wash.  Must be reached via Hwy. 93 & then unpaved roads.
  6. Green Valley.
  7. Hualapai Mountains–East side of the mountain range, about 35 miles. SE of Kingman.
  8. Rincon Mtn.–North side of Rincon Mtn.
  9. Mt. Lemmon.
  10. Page–goes all the way under Hoover Dam & reservoir.
  11. Safford.
  12. Santa Catalina Mountains.
  13. Sedona, Arizona–detainment camp:  Located under the Enchantment Resort in Boynton Canyon.
  14. Yucca (Mtns.)–located just off I-40 can easily be seen North of the Hwy., currently has 4 massive large power cables penetrating into the mountain.

Deep Underground Military Base Yucca Mountain Tunnel Entrance


  1. In the vicinity of Hardy & Cherokee Village--36° 19′ N., 119° 29’ W.  Taken under white hat control during hurricane Dorian.
  2. Pine Bluff–34° 13.4′ N., 92º 01.0’ W. to 34º30′ N., 92° 30’ W.


  1. 29 Palms Marine Base–Identified on military map as airspace area R-2501 N.:  Southeast of Ludlow.  (Under white hat control, foothold for current operations in California).
  2. China Lake, mind control & weapons research.(Neutralized then destroyed by tactical nukes causing a series of quakes between 6.4 & 7.1 on 8 & 9 July, 2019 (although the dates now seem to be under disagreement) see links: (apparently China Lake is supposed to undergo a $2.3 BILLION “renovation” in late 2020).

See USGS Link:

California Earthquakes Leave Naval Station China Lake ‘Not Mission Capable’

  1. Darwin–4 miles dues West of Darwin city.
  2. Deep Springs–37° 22′ N., 117º 59.3′ W.  Battle for control in progress.
  3. Fort Irwin–35° 20’N., 116° 8’ W.:  Detainment camp.
  4. Edwards Air Force Base–in the area where Diamond Cr. & the S. fork of the Yuba meet:  34° 8′ N., 117° 48′ W.
  5. George Air Force Base.
  6. Helendale–Lock Head Underground Facility:  34º 44.7′ N., 118.5° W.  Technology for secret projects.
  7. Los Angeles–On Hwy. 14 towards Edwards A.F.B. after Palmdale:  Turn off to 170th street, North on 170th St. to the Rosamond 170th intersection.

The second lower better maintained dirt road West, right going North at the power lines up to the hilltop, where you will see the top of the underground NORTHOP facility:

Technology for Illuminati secret projects.  This facility is near the Tehachapi Mtns.  Reported to go down 42 levels.  It is heavily involved with electronics & hi-tech aerospace research.

     Battle for control in progress.

  1. Mt. Shasta—advanced space technology base, genetic experiments, magnetic advance, space & beam weaponry; deepest know facility, may over 800 miles deep.
  2. Kern River–the hollowed-out mountain next to the hydroelectric facility at the Kern River Project near Bakersfield.
  3. Napa Valley–located at Oakville Grade north of Napa:  Tunnels also connect the wineries north of Napa, used for white slavery & mind-control,

Direct Satellite Communications, Laser Communications.  Continuation of Government site:  Located on Oakville Grade, Napa County.  87 Acres.  Battle for control in progress.

  1. Norton Air Force Base.
  2. Quincy–39° 56.2′ N., 120° 56.5′ W.
  3. Near Palmdale–take Palmdale Blvd. to 240th St.  Go to Ave R-8, at the Eastern limit of Ave. R-8 is McDonnell-Douglas’s facility called the Uano Facility.

One can see it better from the Three Sisters Hills to the south of the facility.  It is involved in hi-tech aerospace technology.

  1. Presidio–A FEMA/DOD site for Region IX’s regional office.(Neutralized with underground burn out.  Caused fires to be seen in Porter Ranch coming out of manhole covers, sewers and storm drains, see link:https://youtu.be/LEPoEsqJAe8
  2. San Bernadino–34º 50′ N. to 34° 16′ N.; was under the entire San Bernadino valley.

Neutralized with tactical nuke–4.5 & 3.2 San Francisco earth quake on 14 Oct.. see Link: Recent Earthquakes in California and Nevada – Index Map

  1. Santa Barbara County–placed in the thick diatomite strata.
  2. Santa Rosa–38º 26.4′ N., 122º 42.9′ W:  FEMA Regional center for the West coast, what is being done here mostly kept secret.  This is listed as a Communications Antenna Field, but is doing much more.
  3. Sierra Nevada Mountains–very deep military base.
  4. Tehachapi Ranch–Tehachapi Canyon was finished in Sept. ’95.  This is the “Unholy 6” base. 35° 20′ N., 118° 40′ W.
  5. Trona–35° 45.5′ N., 117º 22.6′ W.–several miles northwest of Trona, directly under Argus Peak.  This DUMB sits on China Lake’s NWC’s land, built in the ’60s *(Neutralized with primary China Lake facility.  See #15 above).
  6. Benicia. (Neutralized with underground burn out.  Caused fires to be seen in Porter Ranch coming out of manhole covers sewers & storm drains, see linkRecent Earthquakes in California and Nevada – Index Map
  7. Catalina Island.
  8. Chocolate Mountains.
  9. Death Valley–entrance to the Death Valley Tunnel is in the Panamint Mountains down on the lower edge of the range near Wingate Pass, in the bottom of an abandoned mine shaft.
  10. Lancaster–Aircraft design, anti-gravity engineering, Stealth craft & testing.  42 levels.
  11. Lawrence-Livermore International Labs–has the Human Genome Mapping project on chromosome #19 & a newly built $1.2 billion laser facility.  Chromosome #19 knowledge is primary for cloning, see link:Chromosome 19 abnormalities are commonly seen in AML, M7
  12. Moreno Valley.
  13. Mt. Lassen.
  14. Needles.
  15. Palmdale–New Aircraft Design, anti-gravity research… (Neutralized with underground burn out.  Caused fires to be seen in Porter Ranch coming out of manhole covers, sewers & storm drains, see link:
  1. Tehachapi Facility–Northrop, -Tejon Ranch, 42 levels.
  2. Ukiah.
  3. Kokoweef Peak – Old mining city


56. Alamosa–37° 28.1′ N., 105° 52.2’ W.
57. Book Cliffs–39° 40′ N., 108º 0′ W. near Rifle.

  1. Boulder–The headquarters for EMC, a type of electro-magnetic mind control broadcast to modify the thinking of Americans, & to control Mk Ultra slaves, genetics, geology/mining as related to tunneling and underground construction.
  2. Colorado Springs, NORAD–Canada & U.S., & FEMA, hundreds of people on staff, contains at least 4.5 cubic miles of underground caverns & 45 underground steel buildings.  This complex tracks thousands of satellites, missiles,submarines, & much more.  NORAD also controls many Monarch Mk Ultra slaves who have ALEX, JANUS, ALEXUS end-time callback programming.  NORAD installation has 1278 miles of road underground.

(Now under Alliance control & thoroughly cleaned).

  1. Fort Collins.
  2. & 62. Denver/DIA complex—DIA consists of 5 buildings, the primary 2 have 70 floors. Has facilities for large concentration camp to be used for separation of personal upon martial law after Nuke war starting WWIII. This is one of the most discussed DUMBs in the USA.

2 labs destroyed by scientists that gave their lives to stop the release of a Kuru Deep State Dead Man switch in 2012 (required Pena Blvd. to be torn up, to facilitate cleanup, & then rebuilt).

There are acres of fenced-in areas which have barbed wire pointing into the area to keep people in, & small concrete stacks that resemble mini-cooling towers rise out of the acres of nowhere to vent underground levels & exhaust for crematoriums.

The Denver complex is larger than the city above & is meant to be the New D.C. complex.  All factors of government are here for transition upon WWIII start.

This is the main hub for ALL U.S. facilities & is tied by MAGLEV trains that average 17,000 mph to ALL other units, World-Wide.  Has massive Mk Ultra facilities with many Delta Orion teams with end-time programming.

Storage of all supplies necessary to support 1 million for 150 years.  It has a large lake as well as parks with full flora & fauna many miles in diameter, powered by 2 fusion reactors as well as tied to the free energy Earth Tesla grid system.  The underground facility goes to 88.3 miles deep & is basically 8 cities on top of each other.

DIA DUMB tunnel entrance


  1. Grand Mesa.  Battle for control in progress.
  2. Montrose–North of Paradox, in Paradox Valley.  The site in Paradox Valley can be reached via Hwy. 90 from Nucla.
  3. Creede–reached through old mine shafts.
  4. Delta.
  5. Falcon Air Force Base–Satellite Control.
  6. Gore Range Near Lake, West of Denver–Library & Central Data Bank.
  7. San Juan Valley–Hidden beneath an operating Buffalo grazing ground.
  8. Telluride.
  9. Warden Valley–West of Fort Collins.
  10. Montrose–North of Paradox, in Paradox Valley.  The site in Paradox Valley can be reached via Hwy. 90 via Nucla.

73. N.W. Connecticut.

74. Pt. St. Lucie–Massive base (taken under white hat control during Hurricane Dorian, see Dorian decodes by Gene & SB2).
75. Eglin AFB–30º 40′ N., 86° 50′ W.


76.–78. Atlanta–FEMA regional center, placed since Atlanta was to become a capital for one of the 10 regions within the NWO redrawing of boundaries.  Atlanta has 3 underground installations in its area:

One to the north at Kennesaw Mtn., Marietta, connected to Dobbins AFB & the one to the South of Atlanta at Forest Park.

  1. Thomasville–30° 50.2′ N., 83° 58.9′ W.– FEMA, regional center, they train groups in Search & Destroy missions (known as Renegade civilian operations).

When Martial Law was to come in America, the UNISF and UNMNTF (United Nations International Security Forces & United Nations Multi-National Task Forces) troops located in DUMBs, in the U.S. & Canadawere to be deployed to round up the millions of Americans whose names appear on the C_A Red List & the C_A Blue List.  These troops are Chinese, Russian, German, Polish, Japanese, Ukrainian, Saudi Arabian, Pakistani, Mexican, Honduran, Salvadorian, Chilean, Vietnamese, & other foreign trained military Mk Ultra Delta Forces.   Mass detentions in FEMA camps & the DUMBs, along with mass executions were planned to occur (see previous Gene decodeshowing FEMA cars & coffins).  A simple search of FEMA camps will show many converted WALMART & converted military bases for this purpose.  Current estimates for troop forces that were to be deployed is 6 million.

For example, see link: 

  1. Dobbins Airforce Base, Marrietta–test site for plasma & antigravity aircraft, experimental crafts & weapons.


  1. & 82. Ali Manu Crater—under military housing, known as the tunnel, for nuclear weapons storage.  Facility underlies ALL of the Island of Oahu & connects to the Island of Hawaii.

Under white hat control since 2017 nuclear missile launches on Hawaii.


  1. Lower Goose Lake area in the general area of Oakley–Wackenhut of the Illuminati run a “model prison” for the NWO.  The worst of the federal prisoners are placed in this underground prison which has 7,100 cells.

A track runs through the middle of the underground facility.  Food & showers are on the tracks, the men are allowed showers once a week.

Minimum of lighting is used; the men are beaten senseless if they talk at all.  It sits 500′ underground.

  1. South central Idaho–under the Snake River lava flows between Twin Falls & Idaho Falls.

Again, please let us know if you have any additional information that you think should be included on this page.

If you have an opinion about the idea of DUMBS or Deep Underground Military Bases, we’d love to hear them. Do you think that DUMBS are a real thing? Or do you think that Deep Underground Military Bases are just a crazed conspiracy theory?

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