This is indeed The Great Awakening and feels very much like the calm before (the next?) storm .... What storm...
Jun 29 2022 02:23:20 (EST) What is at stake?Who has control?SURPRISE WITNESS.Who was surprised?Who will be surprised?Use your logic.Can emotions...
Jun 25 2022 21:55:06 (EST) Who was "Jane Roe"?How do you control generations of a populace?50 years of conditioning.50 years...
Jun 24 2022 22:03:01 (EST) Are you ready to serve your country again?Remember your oath.Q Just in case you don't...
That's right Q is back after an 18 month + absence "our savior" ;-) is finally back to mentally torture...
So glad to see that Q is back with a cool-headed vengeance again! Let's have some fun - unravel some...
Soon we will be offering card-carrying memberships. What would you like to see included in memberships? Some potential ideas:...
Hello to all Patriots here in the US and around the world. Welcome to - not the original or...
I know that today was difficult to witness. We may go through more trying times but we'll walk through it...
JFK Jr. Q Post #2 Without you, collectively, there would have been no way to bypass their control.They weren't about...