
QAnon Fun and The Great Awakening

Truth and Justice for All! #WWG1WGA #WWG1WGAWW #LetsGoBrandon #UltraMAGA

Submit News

We love to help promote local businesses and events!
Guidelines for submitting news for Local Business News
1. We cannot guarantee publication of any material, but priority is given to advertisers on this site.
2. Email submissions in Word or text format (pdfs are not accepted) to News@VirtuallyFamousMarketing.com.  Please note that we do not post articles previously posted elsewhere and submissions made to any other email addresses will be ignored.  Recommended length is 450-550 words, appropriate photos should be included if available.  No more than two links will be included in any article – except for paid submissions.
Do NOT send us “Embargoed” news.  We do not know what that is – and will use it if and when we want to.
Please let us know if you would like to write a regular column or post articles or events frequently, and we can get your account set up so you are able to post any time you would like!  We do reserve the right to edit or remove any post that we deem unacceptable, so keep it clean and keep it positive!
If you want us to cover an event, please feel free to invite us, but make sure we aren’t expected to attend alone or pay to be there.  We are glad to cover worthy events as much as we can.
If you are looking for someone to write an article for you and/or your business, our professional writers will write a 500-750 word article on the subject of your choice, using facts you provide.  The article will be sent to you for approval, then posted on Local Business News and also sent to a local media list of over 100 local media outlets.  All for only $500.  If you want to get on the schedule, please make payment via PayPal and send details to News@VirtuallyFamousMarketing.com.
Thank you very much for your patronage – we love helping to promote you and your business!
Social Media Marketing services will be added soon – please ask us!

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